Monday, August 23, 2010

Unpacking the Lord's Prayer

"Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy." Matt. 6:9

As we already looked at, when you come to God in prayer, don't come as one not worthy. When you approach the creator of the universe, come as a child approaches his father. Allow God's love & healing to flow free into your life.

Nothing used to make me more proud, or bring more happiness, than when my kids were little and no matter what they were doing, when I came through the door they would drop everything and run into my arms, simply because they were happy to see me. That is how God wants us to be, so happy to see him that we run into his arms and cry Abba. (which is to say father.)
"For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father." Rom. 8:5

The next part is worship. Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that God seeks a people who will worship him in spirit and in truth. "...may your name be kept holy." The King James version says, "hallowed be thy name." David knew how to worship the Lord! I don't know if he actually understood the importance of worship, or if he was just so in love with God that he couldn't help himself. Either way, the Bible says, "he was a man after God's own heart!" What an awesome way to be remembered!

So when we enter into prayer, let's remember who God is in relationship to us, and let's spend some time telling him how wonderfully awesome he is and how much he means to us.

If you would like to know more about this awesome God, his son Jesus, and the precious Holy Spirit, then click on one of the church links on this page. If you would like someone to pray with or just to talk to, contact me directly at; Be sure to write "prayer request" in the subject line.

Thanks for following along,
God Bless

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