"I am fully convinced, my dear brothers and sisters, that you are full of goodness. You know these things so well you can teach each other all about them."
Romans 15:14
Rome was the sin capital of the ancient world. It would have made Las Vegas look like a Sunday school picnic. Every kind of sin and debauchery and immorality was prevalent. And, when in Rome what’s expected and accepted? “Do as the Romans do!” But a certain band of people refused to indulge in such sinful behavior. They had integrity and were filled with goodness.
In fact, the apostle Paul wrote of them and to them, “In the middle of this cesspool, you are full of goodness.” What a testimony! What a reputation! What a life! Do you have that kind of reputation? Are you full of goodness?
Consider a water-saturated sponge. If we push down with our finger even slightly, water runs out onto the table. We immediately know what fills the interior pockets of the sponge.
The same is true for people. What fills the inside of a person comes out under pressure. If we are soaked with God’s grace, generosity, and goodness, when we are pushed to our limits and pressed down, the goodness of God trickles out on everyone in our wake. Let’s face it, most, if not all of us, will never grace a magazine cover, or sit as the chairman of the board of a major corporation, or have our names in lights, but we can be good. We can make a difference in our world by doing all the good we can with all the life we have. To make our mark means far more than fame or fortune; it means helping someone along the way meet Jesus, so they can become a better person or perform a noble task.
Go forth and be good.
If you would like to know more about Jesus, please click on one of the church links on this page. For prayer or just someone to talk with, contact me directly; rlwhitener@gmail.com
Thanks for following along,
God Bless
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