Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Free in Jesus

I would like to explain the long absence, and why I haven't posted anything new for so long.  I slipped back into my addiction, broke my parole, and was arrested on April 7th 2012.  I spent a couple of years in prison, and was released in mid September of this year.  When I was first released, I didn't feel right about getting back on here and blogging about how to live in relationship with God, when I had obviously blown it so badly.
The last few weeks, we have been studying the book of Galatians at church.  We have really explored grace, according to Paul and the true meaning of the gospel.. I felt compelled to share the love of Jesus anyway I could, and my old blog came to mind.
I am going to be completely transparent about my past.  In my weakness, Christ shows his strength.  Thank you all for understanding.  I seek your prayers and forgiveness.
Ron L. Whitener

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