Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Growth Equals Change

     On June 18th, 2010, I felt the Holy Spirit Leading me to start keeping a public record of my journey with Jesus.  That same day, I wrote the first entrty in Pushing Back Darkness.  I was so sure that no one would ever read it, I wasnt even nervous about hitting the publish button when I felt like it was good enough to be called done.  Little did I know that it would take off all around the globe like wild fire.  I had readers from as far away as Sierra Leone, Africa,  I felt like the next Billy Graham.
     Those of you who know me though, knew that was about as far away from the truth as you could get.  I was still Ron L. Whitener, recovering addict, ex-con, morality challenged and broken man.  You've seen me struggle with my addiction, lose major battles with immorality and basically turn my back on God and walk away.  Of course no matter where I went, there I was.  I could never get away from myself.  So on September 20th, 2018, I made my latest attempt to flee from Nivea.  Like Jonah, I was sucked into the nouth of a great fish and spit out of his mouth on the strteets of Cincinnati,  All I can say is, "Why God?"  There are so many opportunities to share the gospel here.  If you ever feel called to the mission field but can't seem to get out of the country, come to Cincinnati!!  Thus, the answer to my question.  So what do I do, walk the streets and preach hailstone and brim fire from the street corners, see if I can scare the hell out of some foks.  Nobody in the history of the world ever lead someone to the alter out of fear.  It's not even possible.  Perfect love casts out all fear.  The only thing that ever got anyone saved, was the love of Jesus.
     So if I'm not supposed to be beating people over the head with scripture on fountain square, what do you want me to do Lord?  The same thing I've always wanted you to do Ronnie, push back darkness.  But Lord, the format is old and worn out.  Nobody reads the blog anymore.  Then like a bolt of lightning flashing inside my head came the words from the mission statement, so to speak, that God said His word wouldn't retutn to Him void.  In other words, as long as I was obedient and got the word out there that He would take care of the rest.  So I've been thinking about this for the last couple of days and today ny boss gave me a new computer.  Of course I've been playing with it ever since Amy, gave it to me,  A couple of hours ago, I discovered Google had a new program available.  Live streaming or pod casr type video upload, for your own radio station,  I immediately set one up, it's called Pushing Back Darkness Radio,  I'm going to revamp all ny old entriues and give them live over the station,  They will be recorded as I'm doing them so they can be downloaded to you/r site as well,
     The more I think about doing them the more excited I'm becoming.  The Lord is good all the time!  His faithfulnress endures forevr!  I thank him for never leaving me and never forsaking me, no matter how far from him I wandered.  I also thank him for always answering my niece's,  (Shanna Crawfords) prayers in a timely fashion.
     So followers, I don't know when exactly I will launch our new "radio blog" but I will keep you posted.  When I knowm you will know!  Please keep my in your prayers, that God, will reveal his plan for this new ministry,  For without him in it, there is no in it.
     Always keep in mind, if you would like to know more about Jesus, or what it looks like to live as one of his followers or if you have any special needs or prayer requests, write me directly at
     Thank you for following along all these yeats!  Especially those of you who never gave up on me even when the entire world including the church was sure I was down for the count.

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