Thursday, July 12, 2018

Love One Another

  Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32 ESV

This seems like a very simple commandment.  We çan all sit around the campfire singing "Kum BA yah" while washing each other's feet.  Oh if it were only that easy, but  unfortunately it's easy to hurt each other.  It comes naturally.  We're born broken.  As an infant we're taught that when we're  hungry  or our diaper needs changing or we just want attention, then we scream and cry until someone attends to us.  We are the most important person in our life.  If you don't believe me then just  ask.
Have you ever been  around a toddler?  Give them a toy, then invite over another young child to play.  Even if your child isn't playing with the toy, if the visiting child gets ahold of it the fight is on.  No one teaches their child to  be selfish, we have to teach them to share.  As adults, no one teaches us to be rude to each other, but after a stressful day or week or after we get bad news, treating people bad comes naturally.  The bad part is most of the time the people we hurt the most are the ones closest to us.
Apologizing for being a jerk to your friends or family only goes so far.  To love one another takes action.  Rather than apologies, a little self control would be greatly appreciated.  Take a breath, walk around the block, take a minute and pray.  Whatever you have to do too gain control of your emotions so you won't say or do anything you will come to regret later.
Ìf  you are dealing with anger or bad behavior and would like prayer or maybe you simply have questions, feel free to contact me;
Thanks for following along, God bless you and yours.

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