"God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him."
1 John 4:9, NLT
In the Church today, especially in America, we find the preachers are salesmen, the congregation are consumers and Christianity is the product. We go to church on Sunday to be told how good God is and how much he loves us. We all leave feeling better about ourselves and believing we have fulfilled our "religious" duty for the week. God forgive us for our complacency.
It's true that God is good! It's true that he loves us, so much so that while we were yet sinners he sent Jesus to die for us! But not so we could live a soft cushy life filled with stuff. He did that so we wouldn't have to die and go to hell! He did that so we could have relationship with him.
None of us could ever be good enough on our own to get to heaven. Our hearts are the most wicked above all things. (Outside of Jesus) The New Testament teaches that if we have broken one of the laws, we are guilty of all. Since God is just as well as merciful, a price had to be paid for our sin. We weren't able to do that on our own, so he sent Jesus to pay it for us. That is why he sacrificed himself upon the coss, to pay our debt.
Of course to benefit from a gift, we have to accept it. How can you do that? Repent of your sin. (turn away from it) Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Believe it in your heart. Ask him to forgive you and be baptized. Surrender your life to him and allow him, through the Holy Spirit, to lead and direct you.
Find a church that believes and teaches the Bible. Read the Bible for yourself each day, and pray! Ask the Lord to fill you with his Holy Spirit. The Bible says, that ALL who call upon the name of the Lord
shall be saved. Jesus is ready to meet you right where you're at.
This is the reason God sent him. To save us from a certain death. To transform us into the men and women he created us to be. Please, if you aren't in right relationship with the one true God of the Universe, your heavenly father, then check on one of the links at the bottom of this page. Or if you are in need of prayer, or maybe you need help in finding a body of local believers, click on one of the links or email me - RLWhitener@gmail.com
May God Bless & Keep You
Ron L. Whitener
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